Thursday, March 21, 2013

We are Having.......

This week has been a very exciting week for us!! We went in to see our specialist Dr. Koster, who I love, for our first trimester screening. We found out that our babies are very healthy and we are having......2 girls and 1 boy!! We couldn't be happier!! I'm so glad we got a mix because I am done after this! There are so many joys of being pregnant but having multiples brings a whole lot of discomforts. The extreme nausea and fatigue, that my doctor said will most likely last my entire pregnancy due to the amount of hormones, is so wearing. I hate to complain because I'm so grateful but it is pretty hard some days to not go insane from the frustration of never feeling good. But what makes all of that worth it....seeing our babies on that ultrasound screen rolling around kicking their little legs and feet and already developing their little personalities. I'm already so in love with all three of them and can't wait to meet them!! Back to complaining........something I thought was going to be so fun, and it was in certain ways, turned out to be the most overwhelming process ever......registering for three babies!!! Holy cow!! I don't know how I made it out of the bottle section without throwing bottles at random people out of pure frustration! After spending 3 hours in buy buy baby I think I got most of it figured out. I am just continuing to take it day by day and always thank God for this wonderful blessing. Next thing I am looking forward to is feeling them move :)

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