Sunday, April 14, 2013

16 Weeks

I have made it half way!! At least for triplets that is. I know I have been behind on my posts, my morning sickness has gotten worse in my second trimester :(. I have started getting migraines too. thats fun. So it has been hard to get anything done :(. Everything with the babies is looking great though, they are all still measuring ahead of schedule which is a really good sign with multiples. We did find out at our last visit that one of our little girls might becoming a little boy....not sure....we find out for sure this wednesday at our next sonogram. As long as they are healthy that is all that matters to me. My cravings, or should I say the only things that really sit right with me right now.....chips and queso, chicken nuggets and french fries, and snow cones.  Too bad none of that is healthy....I'm trying, it's just so hard!! We are finally starting to get warmer weather here so Simon and I went to the arboretum with my parents and sister on friday to get some pictures, very fun day :)

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