Friday, January 25, 2013

And it begins!

And the Journey begins! It has been a long and hard road to get here, which makes this moment that much sweeter. We have been trying to get pregnant for 1 and half years now. Infertility is one of the most painful things anyone could experience. I would never wish that pain on anyone. Simon and I have both undergone surgery in the beginning of 2012 for infertility issues. We tried naturally for several months with no success. Towards the end of September we decided to move forward and do our first round of IUI. It was successful. I will never forget the morning we saw that positive test, I thought my heart was going to stop. We were to the moon and back excited. Everything was going so good, then it happened. We got a call from my doctor saying that there was something wrong with my blood work. We went in for a sonogram to make sure everything was ok.....we lost the baby. My heart did stop then. Simon and I have never been so devastated and broken hearted in our lives. Like I said this Journey has been has been very difficult, but God is good. I have started to see the good that has come out of a horrible situation. Simon and I have drawn so close together, closer than we have ever been in our almost 5 year marriage. We share a bond with each other now that is so deep there are no words to describe it. I have seen huge changes in myself as well. I have grown up a lot in this past year and a half, I have created bonds with other women in my life that are going through the same things. Those women are now life long friends that I would of probably never had before.

Now for the happy part!! We took some time off during the holidays to heal mentally and physically and then decided to try IUI again the beginning of January. We found out on Friday January 18 that I am pregnant again! As we stared at the word PREGNANT on the home test we were so happy! but cautiously happy. We have had two blood tests now that look fantastic I am 5 weeks today and we go in for our first sonogram on February 8. I'm feeling very pregnant! Nauseous, Super tired all the time. No cravings yet, just trying to stay healthy....we'll see how long that lasts :)


  1. So happy for you both! Thank you for being such a great friend and giving me hope that good things DO happen to good people! Love you!!!!

  2. As Great Gram I am sooooo excited! Can't waite for these three to arrive. Praying for you every minute for a safe, healthy, joyfull 9 months. May God bless you with 3 healthy babies. Love ya bunches
