Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Its Been Awhile!

Well needless to say I haven't kept up with posts very well.....who would have thought having triplets would be so time consuming haha! The babies arrived August 6th at 1:00pm and 1:01pm. They came out in a totally different A was Jaxen (originally baby c), baby B was Alayna (originally baby A) and baby C was Jude (originally baby b). Jaxen weighed 3lbs 7oz, Alayna weighed 3lbs 0.7oz (she is still our smallest) and Jude weighed 3lbs 4.9oz. Alayna dropped down to 2lbs in the NICU...very tiny. They spent a month in the NICU. They were only on c-pap for two days which is amazing! They spent some time under the lights due to jaundice. There is nothing harder than seeing your baby for the first time all hooked up to feeding tubes, IVs and so on and not even being allowed to hold them, not for 48 hours at least. The c-section went well but recovery was very rough! my swelling dramatically got worse and so did the PUPPS rash! luckily the migraines went away! I'm still not over all the swelling 3 months later! I can't even begin to tell you what my body went through during and after that pregnancy! But it was soooo worth it! I have the most beautiful amazing babies that I am madly in love with! The are my world and I can't imagine life without them! Jaxen got to come home first and Alayna and Jude two days later......then the craziness began! After spending my days at the NICU I got use to having 24/7 help and care from the nurse it was quite an adjustment to bring home three tiny premature babies and be solely responsible for all of them. It has taken some time adjusting to our new normal but we are getting there. Thakfully God has blessed me with an amazing support system. I have the constant help of my husband, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother (who is about to go sad), and my dad and sister on the weekends. I do not know what I would do without them! probably die of sleep deprivation! There is no night time in our house, it is all shift work. As we speak it is 4:18 AM and I have yet to go to bed, that is my usual shift.....I should get relieved here in about 30 mins. yay!! They eat every 3 hours and by the time you are done feeding all of them you get about 45 mins until you have to start over. We are also struggling with colicy babies. Especially my poor little Alayna who we found out has severe acid reflux. She has a hard time keep down her food which in tern is causing her to not gain enough weight. she is currently only 6lbs 6oz. We have her on prevacid and we started putting some rice cereal into her bottles which is seeming to help...fingers crossed. I just hate to see her suffer :(. There is nothing worse than seeing your baby hurt and not being able to do anything about it. Well I think I pretty much have brought you up to for some pictures :)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

25 Weeks / Nursery!!

Things are starting to get very difficult :( The latest thing, besides getting HUGE and having a thousand aches and pains, I have a pinched nerve in my upper back that shoots down my left arm and makes my hand numb. Its a sharp shouting pain that is constantly there, it has caused me to get no sleep and go mildly insane. All I can take is STUPID tylenol that does absolutely nothing! Sorry if I sound bitter, like I said I have gotten no sleep and am in constant pain. I went to go see a chiropractor yesterday and unfortunately that did nothing :(. Just praying for a miracle at this point. Being on bed rest has been pretty ruff as well. I am so blessed to have my wonderful mother that comes and sits with me everyday and takes care of me, I don't know what I would do without her. Then of course my wonderful husband who waits on me hand and foot in the evenings.  Physically I don't mind sitting down all day but mentally it's hard. I am very much a doer so sitting down and having everyone do everything for me is rough. I get very restless and its hard to stay entertained. I'm pretty much not aloud to leave the house unless it is baby related, like doctors visits, interviewing pediatricians, our touring the hospital where I will be delivering (in a wheel chair of course). There is one thing my doctor is allowing me to do, one of the girls in my moms of multiples group has started a weekly Bible study out of her house for young or expectant mothers. It has been such a blessing to go there on tuesday nights and be around women that have been through what I am going through and all studying God's word together. Another one of my joys is getting in my swimming pool and floating.....awww...the feeling of weightlessness is amazing!! I am just hanging in there, with a little bit of complaining, and just thinking about holding my sweet babies and how all the aches and pains will be worth it!

Now for the babies, They are all almost two pounds and thriving! their favorite activities are kicking me in the ribs, pushing up on my stomach which causes me to get horrible acid reflux, and stomping on my bladder. Even though those things can be quite annoying I am just so so happy that they are all super healthy and growing so well. I got a sonogram today and Jaxen was in the runners position so of course Simon thinks he is training in the womb to be a super athlete....haha...we'll see.

The Nursery is finished!!!! Take a look :)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

22 Weeks

Things are starting to get exciting, uncomfortable and slightly scary now. The Babies are doing great! At our last appointment baby A (Alayna) is weighing 13 ounces, baby B (Jude) is weighing 15 ounces and baby C (Jaxen) is 13 ounces. I almost have 3 pounds of baby!! Because of that though I have started to feel very uncomfortable. I have a ton of pressure everywhere! The babies are kicking like crazy which is really fun but also uncomfortable at when all three of them are kicking me at the same time. My bed rest has gotten more serious now since I am measuring at full term. I am going to see my doctor and getting a sonogram every week now. I'm just praying that everything stays the way it is so I don't have to go on hospital bed rest. The nursery is almost ready...I can't wait to post pictures on here for everyone to see!! It's my favorite room in the house!!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

18 Weeks / Baby Shower!

Another 2 weeks down and things are still looking great! babies are measuring at or around 9 ounces and growing! We can't wait to meet them and see what the look like and what kind of personalities they will grow to have. I had my baby shower this last saturday and it was such an amazing day. I feel so blessed to have to so many amazing family and friends that love and support me and Simon. We got a lot of really great stuff too :). But there is still so much more we need to get for them. Ever time I sit down and go over the list of things we have left to get it always makes me think holy crap we are having THREE babies!!! haha! Alayna Rae (Laney), Jude Alexander and Jaxen Conner (Jax)......I'm already in love :). Now here are some baby shower pictures.....thank you Marissa Wells for taking all the beautiful pictures......just please ignore the fact that I look like a cow in all of them :(