Wednesday, June 19, 2013

25 Weeks / Nursery!!

Things are starting to get very difficult :( The latest thing, besides getting HUGE and having a thousand aches and pains, I have a pinched nerve in my upper back that shoots down my left arm and makes my hand numb. Its a sharp shouting pain that is constantly there, it has caused me to get no sleep and go mildly insane. All I can take is STUPID tylenol that does absolutely nothing! Sorry if I sound bitter, like I said I have gotten no sleep and am in constant pain. I went to go see a chiropractor yesterday and unfortunately that did nothing :(. Just praying for a miracle at this point. Being on bed rest has been pretty ruff as well. I am so blessed to have my wonderful mother that comes and sits with me everyday and takes care of me, I don't know what I would do without her. Then of course my wonderful husband who waits on me hand and foot in the evenings.  Physically I don't mind sitting down all day but mentally it's hard. I am very much a doer so sitting down and having everyone do everything for me is rough. I get very restless and its hard to stay entertained. I'm pretty much not aloud to leave the house unless it is baby related, like doctors visits, interviewing pediatricians, our touring the hospital where I will be delivering (in a wheel chair of course). There is one thing my doctor is allowing me to do, one of the girls in my moms of multiples group has started a weekly Bible study out of her house for young or expectant mothers. It has been such a blessing to go there on tuesday nights and be around women that have been through what I am going through and all studying God's word together. Another one of my joys is getting in my swimming pool and floating.....awww...the feeling of weightlessness is amazing!! I am just hanging in there, with a little bit of complaining, and just thinking about holding my sweet babies and how all the aches and pains will be worth it!

Now for the babies, They are all almost two pounds and thriving! their favorite activities are kicking me in the ribs, pushing up on my stomach which causes me to get horrible acid reflux, and stomping on my bladder. Even though those things can be quite annoying I am just so so happy that they are all super healthy and growing so well. I got a sonogram today and Jaxen was in the runners position so of course Simon thinks he is training in the womb to be a super athlete....haha...we'll see.

The Nursery is finished!!!! Take a look :)