Tuesday, February 19, 2013

8 Weeks

Things are going about the same, we went in for our second sonogram with our OB Dr. Walsh. Everything looked great, so far we have three healthy babies. They say they are about the size of a kidney bean. As far as my nausea I have had a little bit of relief, some good days and bad days, which is a lot better than the all bad days I was having. The only craving I have had so far is chips and queso, can't get enough! And according to my doctor since I am caring 3 babies even though i'm only 8 weeks my body thinks i'm about 14-15 weeks........that is why I am showing so much already. O geez I am going to be huge!!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Big Surprise!!!

This pregnancy has definitely started off a little rockier than I thought it would. Soon after my last post my pregnancy symptoms sky rocketed!! I have been sooo sick! I never thought I could want to eat so bad but yet be extremely repulsed by food at the same time. Such a strange feeling. Lets just say the majority of my hours are spent on the couch. My doctor finally put me on a medication called zofran to take away some of the nausea so I can keep some food and water down. Being on the zofran has allowed me to be able to leave the house finally, only with someone though. Driving myself is out of the question, it makes me feel ten times worse. Needless to say I have become quite dependent on others. Especially Simon.  I haven't had any specific cravings for food but I can only eat what sounds good at that moment and nothing else. So poor Simon, my very loving and supportive husband :), has had to make numerous trips at all hours of the day and night to meet my very specific needs. I have to sit back and remind myself how much of a blessing this is and how much I wanted this and that is what helps me through the nausea the best. I just didn't realize how big the blessing was until yesterday. I was officially 7 weeks yesterday and we went in for our first sonogram with the infertility doctor. We were so excited and nervous, we just couldn't wait to hear that little heart beat and see that everything was ok. Thats when we got the big surprise. As soon as the sonographer started he almost immediately said "your having twins!" We were shocked and excited and overwhelmed! Then he says "wait I need to retract that statement, there is a third baby." What?!?! Wast the first thing that came out of my mouth, Simon had his jaw on the floor speechless, my mom who was with us was nearly laying on top of me face to face with the screen. It was the most surreal moment of my/our entire lives! it felt like a dream, a happy but scary and slightly overwhelming dream. Before he finished, I still can't decide if he was joking or being serious, he said "before I finish let me check to see if there is any more." I swear my body almost flung itself off the table. I was like stop it.....if there is another baby in there i'm not sure I want to know about it...haha! Thankfully only three babies.

What a whirlwind of a day. Now that I have had time to process it and have gotten a few panic attacks out of the way I realize how big of a blessing this is. After everything we have been through to get to this moment God has blessed us with three little miracles and I could't be happier, well maybe I could if I wasn't so nauseous :). We definitely have a busy road ahead of us but it is one that is going to be filled with three times the love and three times the happiness!